Word List
Here are the shinoarnii words that have been created/recovered to this date. While the number of shinoarnii words is small, the possible translations in english is nearly double. If you would like to see the English to Shinoarnii list, please go here.
This list is organized alphabetically by shinoarnii words.
*note: (vir) is used to show an irregular verb.
(com) is used to show that that word can be used to form compound nouns
(der) is used to show that word is formed using a compound, but has a slightly different meaning that could be expected from the component parts.
(v) Anarrst: stretch; reach
(n) Anarr: reach; stretch; breadth (distance related)
(der) Anarrnaasaan: unreachable
Ark: that
Et: of, for, with, by; if, when; (origin denoter)
Erch: later; future
(vir) Faaraarrt: want; desire
(n) Faaraarras: want, desire; desired thing
(der) Faaraarrasnaasaan: undesirable thing
Fhrr: you
Fhrrs: yours
Fhrrkt: s/he; his/hers
(v) Frrt: have; own; lay claim to
(der) Frrnaasaan: unobtainable
(n) Frrsk: gift
Frrskt: food; prey
Fuhrr: general greeting
(n) Fu’urr: horizon
Gilss: pride; proud
Hahrr: sad; sadness
Hahrrsii: sadly
Hahss: wide; open; free
Hars: only; just
(v) Herrarrt: love; feel affection for; care about, etc
(n) Herrarras: lover
(der) Niieherrarras: emotionless being
(com) Hiiehch/ Niiehch: no; not
Hoourk: nothing; empty
Hras: how; what
Hrk: weird; unusual; something out of place
Hrr: the
Hrruu: we; us
Hrraa: our
Hrrk’k: they; theirs
Hrruvv: glory; honors; achievement
Kachkt: here; this (place; way; thing)
Kiirrk’k: thankful
Kerrchkt: there; that way; that place
(vir) La’a’ssarrt: grow
(n)La’a’ssarras: growth; growing thing; young thing; plant
Lahss: wing/s
(v) Lenerrt: take a risk, chance (something)
(n) Lenerras: risk, chance
(der) Niielenerras: safe; safety
(vir) Liierrt: change; alter; destroy; create
(n) Liierras: creation; new thing; changed thing; infant; youngling
Liierrii: creatively; destructively
(v) Linerrst: ride; burden
(n) Linerr: burden
(der) Linerrnaasaan: incapable of being ridden
(vir) Lo’orrt: give; grant; gift; allow; teach
(n) Lo’orras: givers; teachers; clan leader(s)
(der) Niielo’orras: liar
(com)Naasaan: beyond; past
(v) Neiierrt: bear; carry; hold; grasp; clutch
(n) Neiierras: hold; grasp
Niielenerrii: safely
Niierch: now; immediately
Niievrrasa: (lit: No soul) heartless; cruel; evil; enemy
Niievrrasii: cruelly
Niirchkt: bored; boring
(v)Niirrk: bore, be uninteresting
(n) Niirras: boring individual or thing
Nsst: well... (stalling item)
Ou: a (thing)
Rrk: yes; correct; good
(vir) Saahrrt: stay; remain (behind)
(n) Saahrras: remains; left overs
Saassarrt: mercy; blessing; miracle
Shi: mother
Shinerr: sky
Shiso: wind; breeze
Sh’sh: father
Shrr: I; me
Shrrf: my; mine
(v) Shuerrt: hunt; search for
(n) Shuerras: hunt; search; hunter
(der) Shuerrasnaasaan: can not be found; hidden thing; escaped thing
Sillss: night; evening; dark; darkness
Skaa: hello (informal. equivalent of "Oi!")
(com)Skkt: it; thing
(vir)(com) Skrrt: be; is; exist; live
(n)Skrr: dead; dying
(n) Skrras: existance; life; alive
(der) niieskrras: death; dead thing
(der) Skrrasnaasaan: not viable; incapable of living; inanimate
Skrrit: scary; frightening
Skrrsht: mean; not nice
So’onas: alone; lonely
(der) Niieso'onas: with (a group); together; not alone
Ss: to (location)
(v) Ssarrst: have to (do something); need to; must
(n) Ssarr: chore; task; quest
(der) Ssarrnaasaan: impossible thing
Sshkr: why
(v) Ssiierrt: name; call; declare; announce; say
(n) Ssiierras: name; announcement; declaration
(der) Ssiierrasnaasaan: not able to be named; a secret; taboo thing
Ssrra: sister
(v) Ssrrst: like; enjoy
(n) Ssrr: liked thing
Suukrri: soul-brother; friend
Suure: soul-sister; friend
(v) Suusserrt: claw; scratch; write; draw
(n) Suusserras: scratches; writing; drawing
Taatarrs: home; place; location; ground
Tsu'uk: and; also
Tzsa: brother
(v) Verrst: move; leave; depart; travel; journey
(n) Verr: move; departure; trip; journey
Viirrk: sorry; sorrowful
(vir) Viirrt: spread; open; release
(com)Virss: body; form; being; self
Vrrasa: soul; kind person; kindness
Vrrk’k: however
(v) Zrrk: go; retreat
(n) Zrras: retreat
[Basic Grammar] [Pronunciation Guide]