Basic Grammar

This part is going to be the hardest for me because the technicalities of grammar love to elude me. I'm hoping to get Nazerak to go all technical on me for this section.

I think the basic word order is Topic Subject Object Verb.

There are three verb types in shinoarnii: -rrt, -rrst, -rrk.

Each verb form has it's own conjugation pattern which is shown on the table below.

tense -rrt-rrst-rrk
present -rrt -rrst -rrk
present negative -rr -rrs -rr
negative volitive -rra -rrsa -rra
neg imperative -rre -rrse -rre
past -rrs -rras -rrs
past negation -rra'a* -rrasar -rrsar
noun form -rras -rr -rras

*- This particular tense in the -rrt verbs is prone to irregular conjugations. Verbs with a doubled vowel (ex: aa) or caught vowels (ex: o'o) are likely to drop one of the vowels.
ex: Faaraarrt goes to Fararra

This tense most often takes on the negative ending of the verb when the vowels are dropped.
ex: La'a'ssarrt goes to La'ssarra

Some verbs maintain the proper -rra'a ending even when dropping a vowel.
ex: Liierrt goes to Lierra'a


These, or a noun that can act like one, are pretty much required for all sentences. The order of the noun/pronouns affects the final translation of the sentence. For example:

Fhrr shrr liierrt faaraarr- I don't want you to change.
Shrr fhrr liierrt faaraarr- You don't want me to change.

The Wonderful World of "et":

This little word plagued me for some time before I able to properly use it. As for the technicalities of the grammar, again, I'm not sure.
Et acts like the english words "of", "by", "for", "with" and also "when" or "if". I'm just going to give examples of how it used for now.

Shrr (hrr) frrsk et kirrk'k skrrt-- I am thankful for (the) gift.

Shrr lahss anarrst et hrr shiso linerrst-- With stretched wings I ride the wind.

Shrrf niieanarrnaasaan fu'urr skrrt et vrrasa (hrr) lahss skrrt la'a'ssarrs-- No horizon is unreachable by the wings my soul has grown.

The last example is an interesting sentence, showing several grammar structures. The literal translation is "Mine not unreachable horizon is of/by soul (the) wings be grew."
In long sentences, et can also "reset" the sentence structure, allowing what seem to be two complete sentences to combine into one, more complex sentence. Without et, the sentence turns into the following:

Niieanarrnaasaan fu'urr skrrt. Shrrf vrrasa lahss skrrt la'a'ssarrs.
"There are not unreachable horizons. My soul grew wings."

One of my friends told me a sentence that pulled another meaning for et. I should just label this word as a particle rather than a conjuction as it seems to act more like one.

Friend's sentence: "When you ignore the darkness the demons dissapear."

Now, as I don't yet have the word for ignore I had to tweak this some and turn it into "When/if you don't/won't allow darkness the demons no longer can exist." Shifted first into shinoarnii grammar, and then translated, it looks like this:

"you darkness not allow when demons not viable are."
Fhrr sills lo'orr et niievrrasa skrrasnaasaan skrrt.


Some verbs forms and nouns combine to create a new compound noun. This is generally formed by taking the noun form of the verb and adding the appropriate compound making noun.

Niie is used as a negative prefix for nouns and adjectival nouns, or as a command softener when placed at the end of the imperative forms of a verb.
ex: niiefaaraarras- not wanted thing
ex: niiesuukrri- enemy; not soul friend
ex: shuerreniie: should not hunt, please do not hunt, etc
ex: shuerre- don't hunt


I’m none too sure how to describe the function of -ii in shinoarnii. When used with an adjective it turns the word into something of an adverb. It is it’s use with normal verbs that is difficult to explain as it makes them like an adjective. The best way to describe -ii is “to be in the process of existing in a particular state or doing a particular thing.” Like an adjective, an -ii ended verb (created by dropping the t) must be followed either by another verb, most commonly skrrt. This bit of grammar, however, is not related to english "ing".

ex: Liierras skrrt la'assarrt - The plants are growing
ex: Liierras la'assarrii skrrt - The plants are in a state of growth

[Word List] [Pronunciation Guide]